Saver Street is committed to doing the most good for everyone we meet.
God gave me a vision: A world where Christians are known by their love for each other, for their incredible generosity, and for their amazing wisdom at work.

I see Christians who give generously because they’re not worried about their finances (2 Cor 9:6-8).
I see Christians who pursue and succeed in the careers they want to have, because God says He’ll give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4) and feels joy when He does good things for us (Jer 32:41).

I see Christians who build up and build businesses with the wisdom of God, showing the world that God’s people can be shrewd as vipers and innocent as doves (Matt. 10:16) while doing the most good (Gal 6:9-10).
I see Christians who share the gospel with their neighbors (Matt 28:19) because they can clearly hear the Holy Spirit’s words to say (Luke 12:12).

Following God’s plan for our lives is fun, joyful, peaceful, and satisfying. I see Christians who live as their authentic selves serving Christ in all circumstances.
Saver Street’s mission is to equip all Christians to follow God with their whole hearts, souls, and minds.
Sometimes difficulties in finances, careers, and corporate life make it hard to hear God’s voice and do the good works that God wants us to do. I get it completely.
Saver Street’s full mission is to equip the Church (that means all Christians) to make disciples of all nations. That means getting through all the hard parts of life - at work, in personal finances, and in navigating interpersonal relationships - with a goal to get closer to God in each situation.
God wants to be close to us. Let’s seek God together while making wise choices with our lives.